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“You have brought this Man to me, as one who misleads the people. And indeed, having examined Him in your presence, I have found no fault in this Man concerning those things of which you accuse Him” (Luke 23:14 NKJV).

Pilate’s statement here in this verse is most enlightening. It not only shows the vileness of man, but also the vindication of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Vileness of man: “You have brought this Man to me, as one who misleads the people.” The people had accused the Lord Jesus of “perverting the nation” (Luke 23:2). This was a most absurd charge, but it did not keep these folks from making the charge. Evil people make charges regardless of the facts. Today, such absurd charges are still being made against the Lord Jesus and against the Bible. The Bible is considered a dangerous Book that should not be allowed in our schools. Furthermore, the Lord Jesus Christ is considered to be so bad for students that His birth cannot be celebrated in our schools. Yet these same schools will allow all sorts of perversions to be taught in schools. It is the character of evil men that are perverted, and not the Lord Jesus Christ, nor the Bible.


Vindication of Christ: “And indeed, having examined Him in your presence, I have found no fault in this Man concerning those things of which you accuse Him.” Pilate openly examined the Lord Jesus as to the accusations that were leveled against Him. The examination resulted in a complete vindication of the Lord Jesus. Whenever the Lord Jesus is examined according to the facts, He will always be vindicated. The verdict will always be “no fault in this Man.” Pilate was nothing short of amazed about the Lord Jesus. And anyone who honestly examines the facts about the Lord Jesus will also be amazed at Him. Instead of one who “perverts the nation,” He is the greatest blessing society can ever have. Folks may call Him a perverter, but the facts call Him Wonderful.

(Adapted from Butler’s Daily Reading 2)

Soli Deo Gloria (To God Alone Be The Glory)

Quotation of the Week

Life’s trials are not easy. But in God’s will, each has a purpose!”

Warren Wiersbe (1929 - 2019)

American Pastor, Bible Teacher and Author

Word Study


In Heb. 11:1 we read, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (NKJV).

Faith” is the Greek word pístis (πίστις = pis'-tis). Faith is equivalent to trust or belief and is the conviction of the truth of anything. In Scripture, faith usually speaks of belief respecting man’s relationship to God. As relating to God, it is the conviction that God exists and is the Creator and Ruler of all things as well as the Provider of eternal salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. As relating to the Lord Jesus Christ, faith represents a strong conviction or belief that He is the Messiah, through Whom we obtain eternal salvation and entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven. Stated another way, eternal salvation comes only through belief in the Lord Jesus Christ and no other way. It has well been said that faith is not believing in spite of evidence - that’s superstition - but obeying in spite of circumstances and consequences.

“Fear Nots” Found in the Bible

Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision, be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace” (Acts 18:9 KJV).

Did You Know…

Michael is the only angel identified as an archangel in Scripture (cf. Jude 1:9). He is referred as “the great prince” who protects the Jews (cf. Dan. 12:1), and his name means “Who is like unto God?”

Bible Quiz

What animal does Solomon compares his lover’s hair to in the Book Song of Song?

**Answer to last week’s Bible Quiz: When Saul was blinded on the road to Damascus, how many days was he without sight? 3 days (Acts 9:9).

Names For the Lord Jesus in the Bible


"But to you who fear My name, the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves” (Mal. 4:2 NJKV).

1. MeaningSUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS refers to the Lord Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah, the Hope of Israel.

2. Insights – Some scholars do not interpret this as a reference to the Lord Jesus, but rather to the conditions that will exist in the millennium. However, “Sun of Righteousness” can be interpreted as a reference to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord is called “the LORD your righteousness” in Jer. 23:6. And the coming of the Messiah is pictured as a sunrise in several passages. “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you” (Isa. 60:1). So, the Messiah is not only a “Sun,” but also the “Sun of Righteousness” who brings healing. And while the Lord Jesus is never called the “Sun of Righteousness” in the New Testament, and never called the “Bright and Morning Star” in the Old Testament, He will disperse the darkness of sin and sorrow and makes glad the people of God. Our hope is found by looking up, looking to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Did You Know – Christian History

Robert Barclay was born December 23, 1648 in Moray, Scotland. He was a Scottish Quaker, Apologist, and Author.


Barclay received four years of training in Paris where a wealthy uncle offered to make him his heir if only he would join the Roman Catholic Church. Meanwhile, Barclay’s father, David Barclay, had become a Quaker. His dying wife made him promise to bring Robert home, which David did, personally fetching him from France. Shortly after, in 1667, Barclay followed the example of his father, and joined the recently formed Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). Scholarly from his youth up, Barclay became the theologian of the Quaker viewpoint.


Soon afterwards Barclay began to write in defense of the movement, by publishing in 1670 Truth Cleared of Calumnies, and a Catechism and Confession of Faith (1673). His works have often been reprinted. He was an ardent theological student, a man of warm feelings and considerable mental powers, and he soon came prominently forward as the leading apologist of the new doctrine. Barclay made Quaker thinking logically defensible when the movement was only about a quarter of a century old. Some think he saved it from extinction. Yet Barclay was not merely learned, he went to prison several times because he was a Quaker.


Barclay argued that the only real Christianity is that in which the Spirit of Christ is present. Since the Bible must be interpreted and brought alive by the Holy Spirit, even its words are secondary to inner illumination. Any merely historical or liturgical faith is dead. Any worship which lacks Christ’s presence is a sham. Faith must be something experienced. Barclay’s apology for the True Christian Divinity has undergirded Quaker thinking ever since it was penned. However, his influence was not through his theology alone. He was active in national affairs and negotiated in behalf of King James II. When he died at the young age of 42, he had fathered nine children. His offspring were ardent Quakers, and their descendants were prominent among the famous Quaker families of subsequent centuries: the Barclays, Gurneys and Frys.

A Little Humor

A man was trying to understand the nature of God and asked Him: “God, how long is a million years to You?” God answers, “A million years is like a minute.” Then the man asked: “God, how much is a million dollars to you?” God replied, “A million dollars is like a penny.” Finally, the man asked: “God, could you give me a penny?” To which God replied, “In a minute!”

Thought Provoking Church Sign

“Some day you must bow your knee to Christ - why not now?”


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