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“And the devil said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread” (Luke 4:3 NKJV).

In telling the Lord Jesus to make bread out of stones, the devil was advancing an evil priority. This evil priority can be stated in many different ways as shown below:


The priority of our will over God’s will - It was not God’s will to make bread out of stones here. The Lord Jesus came to do the will of the Father, not His own will.

The priority of body over soul - This temptation made the physical need (bread) more important that the spiritual need (obeying God). It is putting more emphasis on feeding the stomach than saving the soul.

The priority of reputation over character - In tempting the Lord Jesus, the devil wanted Him to emphasize His identity as the Son of God since doing this miracle would enhance His reputation as the Son of God. But the Lord Jesus was more interested in character than reputation.

The priority of privilege over responsibility – The Lord Jesus had many privileges including miraculous power. However, he emphasized His responsibilities more than His privileges.

The priority of circumstances over commands – The Lord Jesus would be facing some dire circumstances. But the commands of God, not circumstances, guided His conduct.

The priority of pleasure over purity - Bread would give the Lord Jesus physical pleasure. But it would defile Him because the bread would have come through evil means.

The priority of self over others - Had the Lord Jesus done what the devil advocated, He would have sinned and thus nullify the redemption plan to save others.

The priority of temporal over eternal – The devil was telling the Lord to take care of the temporal need of bread and ignore eternal consequences for disobedience.

The priority of sight over faith – Here the devil was tempting the Lord Jesus to live by sight (the bread that we can see), and not by faith (trusting God to supply bread that we cannot see.

(Adapted from Butler's Daily Bible Reading 2)

Soli Deo Gloria (To God Alone Be The Glory)

Quotation of the Week

May our priorities be shaped by God’s Word, for in following His commandments, we walk the path of His blessings and favor!”

John Wesley (1703 – 1791)

English clergyman, Theologian, and Evangelist

Word Study


In Acts 11:4 we read, “But Peter explained it to them in order from the beginning" (NKJV).

Explained” is the Greek word ektíthēmi (ἐκτίθημι = ek-tith'-ay-mee). It is made up of two words: “ek” which means out, and “títhēmi” which means to place. Thus, the word means to place or set out. Literally, it means to place outside. It was used in this literal sense to describe newborn babies left out to die from exposure. Here is Acts 11:4, it is used figuratively, meaning to set forth, to provide additional information, to convey information by careful elaboration, and thus to explain.

“Fear Nots” Found in the Bible

Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows” (Matt. 10:31 KJV).

Did You Know…

Cornelius was so excited about being told what to do to be more pleasing to God that he invited his family and friends to be present at the anticipated visit from God’s messenger (cf. Acts 10:24).

Bible Quiz

To whom did the Lord spoke to “face to face, as a man speaks to his friend?”

**Answer to last week’s Bible Quiz: Who was the mother of the first twins mentioned in the Bible? Rebekah (Gen. 25:20-24).

Names For the Lord Jesus in the Bible


"Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to Him, “Rabboni!” (which is to say, Teacher)” (john 20:16 NKJV).

1. MeaningRABBONI speaks of the Lord Jesus as the Great Master or Teacher.

2. Insights – “Rabboni” is from the word rabbi and is more personal. It means My great Master and was the highest title of honor. This title “Rabboni” was given to only a few rabbis, like Gamaliel (cf. Acts 5:34), was often used with reference to God. Mary honored the Lord Jesus by calling Him “Rabboni.” It was at once an expression of her joy, and an acknowledgment of Him as her Lord and Master. The Lord Jesus had delivered Mary from seven demons, but she did not call Him “healer.” She called Him “Rabboni,” My Master. He was her supreme Teacher, the One who was due all her honor, respect, loyalty and allegiance.

Did You Know – Christian History

Robert Cushman was born February 9, 1577, in Rolvenden, Kent, England. He was an author, lay preacher, and member of the Leiden congregation of Separatists (Pilgrims).


Beginning in September 1617, Cushman spent much of his time in England, working on preparations for the voyage to the new colony. He, along with John Carver, became agents of the Leiden (Leyden) Holland congregation for doing business in England. The Separatists looked to John Carver and Robert Cushman to carry on negotiations with officials in London regarding a voyage to America. By June 1619 Carver and Cushman had secured a patent from the Virginia Company for the Separatists. In 1620 they negotiated with Thomas Weston for financial backing from a group of merchants. After Weston had hired the Mayflower ship, Cushman and Carver, as purchasing agents for the Leiden congregation, began to secure supplies and provisions in London and Canterbury.


Cushman arrived at Plymouth Colony aboard the Fortune in 1621. His mission was to convince the settlers to accept the terms of their contract imposed by Thomas Weston and the London investors. The men who had put up the money to finance the settlement were angry that the ship Mayflower had been kept so long by the Pilgrims, and then sent back empty. The company not only wanted a return on their investments, they also wanted some amended articles signed. On the other hand, the Plymouth settlers were also dissatisfied with some of the policies of the investors. Some even demanded that the land be parceled as in private chunks. Cushman warned them strongly against this kind of talk. If the colonists hoped for future supplies, they must agree to company terms. Strangely enough, for such a religious group, there was no ordained minister among their number. Cushman, a deacon, was the nearest thing. To settle the jealousies and hostilities among the settlers, he preached a sermon on December 9, 1621. This was the first recorded sermon on American soil and the first printed there.


Cushman quoted the Apostle Paul’s words to the quarreling Corinthians as an example for the disgruntled settlers (cf. 1 Cor.  10:24). The settlers listened to Cushman. Not only did they sign the despised articles, but they filled the Fortune with wood and furs. Cushman sailed for England. Unfortunately, the ship was seized by French privateers, who stripped it of everything of value. Cushman was freed, but the colony would not pay for itself for a while yet. Cushman served as agent of the New Plymouth Colony and representative of the colony with the company of Merchant Adventurers of London until his death in May of 1625.

A Little Humor

Moses is wandering around, and he finds the burning bush. He looks closer and sees that while the bush is clearly on fire, it is not burning up. He just can’t believe his eyes, and in his amazement, he says, “No way!” Then, a voice comes from the bush, and says “Yah way!”

Thought Provoking Church Sign

“Man’s best friend, Jesus, has conquered man’s worst enemy, death!

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